On January 12, 2015, California’s Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) published two notices of proposed rulemaking regarding the State’s Proposition 65 warning regulations.
OEHHA proposes to repeal sections 25601 through 25605.2 of the California Code of Regulations (C.C.R.), title 27, and replace them with new regulations governing the content of “safe harbor clear and reasonable” warnings, as well as the responsibility for and methods of providing such warnings, under Proposition 65. Among the changes proposed, the new regulations would require certain chemicals to be specifically identified in the text of a warning. The proposed regulations also include warning requirements specific to certain categories of products or facilities, such as prescription drugs, furniture, and enclosed parking facilities, among others.
OEHHA also proposes to adopt a new regulation authorizing the agency to establish a website “to collect and provide information to the public concerning exposures to listed chemicals for which warnings are being provided.” If adopted, the new website regulation would require a product manufacturer, producer, distributor, or importer, or a particular business subject to Proposition 65 warning requirements, to provide to OEHHA, upon request, specific information regarding any product, listed chemical, potential exposure, and “any other related information that the lead agency deems necessary” for which a warning is provided. However, in its notice, OEHHA expressly states that the proposed website regulation “is not enforceable by private plaintiffs,” in contrast to the warning regulations currently in effect and those being proposed.
OEHHA will conduct public hearings on both the proposed website and warning regulations on March 25, 2015, and will accept written comments regarding the proposed regulatory action until April 8, 2015.
OEHHA’s notices, statements of reasons, and proposed regulatory text are available here and here.
We will continue to provide updates on the status of OEHHA’s proposed regulatory action throughout the rulemaking process.
-- Samir Abdelnour
For more information, contact Samir Abdelnour at (415) 228-5443 or sja@bcltlaw.com.
It's good that efforts are being made to keep the public informed. It would be dangerous to have harmful toxins in products without us being aware of it. Without the public being informed, it will be hard to keep things at a healthy level. Thanks for the article.