On Wednesday, July 1, the California State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) announced it would extend the deadline for enrolling under the new Industrial General Permit (IGP) for Storm Water Discharges (Permit No. 2014-0057-DWQ) until close of business on Friday, August 14, 2015. The SWRCB also pushed back the deadline for submittal of 2014-15 annual storm water reports under the now-expired 1997 IGP (Permit No. 97-03-DWQ) to August 14.
The SWRCB blamed “ongoing technical difficulties” associated with users attempting to submit annual reports and permit registration documents to its online database, known as SMARTS (Storm Water Multiple Application and Report Tracking System).
Despite the failure of SMARTS to accommodate the large number of users seeking to comply with the new IGP, the SWRCB nevertheless indicated that “[w]hile technical issues are being resolved, the General Permit is in effect.” Draft Order 2015-XXXX-EXEC Amending Order 2014-0057-DWQ (Hearing date August 4, 2015). Thus, entities subject to the new IGP will need to ensure they are in compliance with the substantive requirements of the 2014 permit and maintain all necessary documents, while they wait to access SMARTS for registration.
Barg Coffin attorneys have previously analyzed the key changes and requirements of the new IGP here, here, and here.
--Don Sobelman and Dave Metres
For more information, contact Don Sobelman at (415) 228-5456 or des@bcltlaw.com, or Dave Metres as (415) 228-5488 or dmm@bcltlaw.com.